'The Dreamy Cupcake' - Project Initiated!

Hello everyone! First devlog post here ๐ŸŽŠ

I am very glad to be developing again, it has been a long time since I last committed to a game project and it feels refreshing to be trying something new!

You may have noticed that this game is about baking, as is Coffee Cream Confectionery, the game prototype I developed last year. You can check it out here to see what it is about: https://aquaramelia.itch.io/coffee-cream-confectionery (you can play the game here) 

It really brings me joy to create art and mechanics around baking, and I am planning to have 'The Dreamy Cupcake' include some plant/crop-growing and even some herb-harvesting (exploration/foraging) mechanics, too. 

Feel free to comment below, do you also love these mechanics in games? What do you love most about them?

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