The Forest Horror (old title Judgement 10 Seconds) is a lovecraftian/cosmic horror text adventure made in 3 days for the 130th Mini Game Jam - Lunar! Choose your way through the mysterious forest and face terrible enemies...

The different story paths reveal new information, which means that you can find out more about the story by restarting the game and choosing different responses! 

The project is still in development. It's my first visual novel using VNCreator for Unity, and some UI functionality may be off. I plan to add background images to every scene change, tell me what you think about it in the comments. 

Lovecraftian creature

Find more art by me on my Instagram and illustrated horror stories, released monthly, on my Patreon!

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Hello, I like your story concept and music paired with it, its very errie and scary. 

Like you said some UI bugs, but just wanted to point it out if you didn't know maybe

-Skipping whilst the text is being created (overlaps with the next text)

-(For me) reaching the end of one of the story. The end panel I couldn't interact/ couldn't restart the game.

Possible addons could be something maybe similar to 'detroit become human' where the player is able to access the linear story line and see which path they have/haven't taken? (When they've completed one story line.) (Might be a lot of work?)

Another extra mechanic could be allowing the user to be able to skip the load time of the text being created. Just a click or pressing the space bar, just to see all the text straight away. (However this is just a preference I like to see my whole text before I start to read.)

Hi, I'm glad you liked the story and music, and thanks for the feedback!

I will certainly keep the UI bug feedback in mind and try to fix the game within the jam voting period. 

Accessing a story line at will is an awesome idea, it does look complicated, but I will look into it! 

You can choose to show the text all at once by going to Main Menu -> Options -> Check the Instant text toggle. Just make sure to save your progress before you leave to the Main menu, otherwise it will be lost (it is like exiting the story). I like to see the whole text before reading too 😊